About us
With a view to spread education in Kandulapuram, the most backward area, the Sri Venkata Sai D.Ed College was established and registered under the Andhrapradesh Recognition Act.
Sri Venkata Sai D.Ed College was founded by shri.Narala. Eswara Reddy in the year 20011–12. The Sri Venkata Sai D.Ed Collge. Spurred by overwhelming enthusiasm and ambitions zeal, Shri.A.Srinivasan has been the harbinger of Literacy Development by being the founder of Sri Venkata Sai D.Ed Teacher Training Institute. To guide the students in the right path, students counselling is being arranged for their benefit. Special classes in physical and mental health, yoga and computer training are being conducted to teacher trainees. Many different clubs and associations are being activated to develop to various skills and compentencies
The vision of the Sri Venkata Sai D.Ed Teacher Training Institute, is represented in the emblem. The Teacher Training Institute Strives to constitute that “Knowledge is Power.”
The Mission is produce efficient teachers with democratic outlook who would befit to serve this society.
About Teacher Training Course
The question of what knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and skills teachers should possess is the subject of much debate in many cultures, like India. Generally, Diploma in Teacher Training curricula can be broken down into these blocks:
• Foundational knowledge and skills—usually this area is about education-related aspects of philosophy of education, history of education, educational psychology, and sociology of education.
• Content-area and methods knowledge—often also includes ways of teaching and assessing a specific subject, in which case this area may overlap with the first ("foundational") area. There is increasing debate about this aspect; because it is no longer possible to know in advance what kind of knowledge and skill pupils will need when they enter adult life, it becomes harder to know what kinds of knowledge and skill teachers should have. Increasingly, emphasis is placed upon 'transversal' or 'horizontal' skills (such as 'learning to learn' or 'social competences', which cut across traditional subject boundaries, and therefore call into question traditional ways of designing the Teacher Education curriculum (and traditional school curricula and ways of working in the classroom).
• Practice at classroom teaching or at some other form of educational practice. Practice can take the form of field observations, student teaching, or an internship